BDD in Practice

There is an undeniable allure to the concept of Behaviorial Driven Design (BDD). In theory, different organizational groups will be able to use a unified, English-like, language to bridge communication barriers. Business analysts, developers, quality assurance and product can all work together using the same specification language and therefore eliminate misunderstandings between different factions of an organization.

New Year, New Blog Update?

It’s been a little over two years since I created this blog. I just wanted to test out the capabilities of the Jekyll platform and see what I could do with Github’s free webhosting. It was also a place where I could showcase some of my work to recruiter and hiring managers. Fast forward a couple years, I still don’t know how frequently I will actually blog. However, the website is outdated. I’ve done a lot in the last couple years and I think this site should reflect that. I will be updating the links and some of the portfolio.

Unix Hater's Manual

I read this book about 3 years ago. For some reason, I just decided to pick it up again. Last time, I read it I was an avid Linux hater. I didn’t really understand how to use Linux and always felt I was Googling random stuff to put into my terminal whenever I had a problem. Now, I use Linux about 70% of the time. I kind of just eventually gravitated towards it as a result of the wealth of opensource projects available on the platform. I’ve grown rather fond of the system.