Hi, my name is Quang Vo. I’m a molecular biology major turned software engineer. And while I’m definitely not the most seasoned developer out there, I definitely strive to be a great developer. I program all day. Even in my freetime. I always make a effort to employ best practices and not compromise the quality of my code. I always use modular design and think about how to reuse my code while avoiding redundancy.

I consider myself an extremely versatile developer. I feel comfortable using at least 5-6 languages. And I can definitely move around and develop in ones I’m only proficient at as well. As I develop and get more familiar with my day to day routines, I have a natural tendency to make them more efficient and keep things interesting for me. This usually entails using new paradigms, acquiring new tools, libraries and APIs. I think automation is fun. If if think I can automate it, I’ll definitely give it a try. And if it doesn’t exist, I’m not opposed to making them myself. I’m a software engineer, after all.