This site is a mash up of several frameworks, languages and technologies. It’s a Jekyll Blog on Github Pages based on the Ruby programming language. Jekyll uses markdown and liquid templating. Markdown is the language you will find in read me pages on github. Liquid is the template system popularized by ecommerce giant Shopify. Some of the pages use Bootstrap because they were designed prior to the creation of this blog. It will eventually include some Java and maybe a little Python.

I don’t really have a definitive plan regarding the direction of the site. It’s going to show whatever I’m working at the time.

This blog uses for continuous integration. It’s HTML is validated. lol… Everytime there is a syntax error from new code uploaded to the site, I get an email informing me that there was a build error.

Thanks again for taking the time to checkout my website. As you can see the website is currently under development. I don’t really have a time frame on when it will look presentable. This is just a side project that I’m working on in my free time. I eventually plan to make this site look awesome. Be sure to come back and check out the progress over the next coming weeks.